Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dear Dash: Ten Months

Dear Dash,

It seems like each month is a new adventure! This month we tackled sleep training, worked through a brief nursing strike, and speculated whether you were going through a growth spurt or teething or both. Turns out it was both. You sprouted a new tooth on the top and bottom left side, which means you have two more that will be coming in pretty soon.
you have the weirdest sleeping positions
you love making messes!
and exploring new things
you love chasing the vaccuum
and you resemble someone famous...
dennis the menace!
complete with hair bump
you're officially in the double digits!
despite being sick, you've been in a great mood today



  1. Gosh, he has changed since birth! Can't believe it's been 10 months! Thanks for sharing all the pictures and info.

  2. And I was noticing how he has even changed since you posted these pics!


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