Thursday, March 28, 2013


Last October, the minimum age for missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to volunteer was lowered from 21 to 19 for the women, and 19 to 18 for the men.  This was a big change, and turned out to be perfect timing for my younger sister, who was just about to turn 19.  She faithfully wrote me every week of my mission, and I must say they were the most entertaining letters I ever received.  When the announcement was made, she felt a desire to serve.  She was called to serve in the Scotland/ Ireland mission, and entered the MTC today.  I am so proud of her.
This is a picture of her on her weekly "day off" where she can do some sightseeing:

Here's to my oldest friend and sister,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

White Day 화이트데이

My boyfriend lived in Korea for three years and loved it. Consequently, I have learned a lot about Korea in the past couple months. One Korean tradition that I enjoy is their concept of Valentine's day. 

In Korea, Valentine's day is spread across three days: Feb 14 is for the men (women give them chocolate/ presents), Mar 14 is for the women (how we would celebrate Valentine's Day in America) and Apr 14 is for all the singles (they usually all go out to eat on this day).

I really liked this format because I always feel bad about the pressure guys get on Valentine's Day. Plus, no one in the US celebrates March 14, so I really felt special that day when my boyfriend surprised me by assigning each of my friends a "mission" (like mission impossible) to say a key phrase and give me chocolate at scheduled times throughout the day. It was one of the most creative operations I've ever seen. 

As an aside, I would highly recommend doing the "tangled disney movie" paper lanterns for a date. We got the blank white kind and wrote different messages on them for White Day as well (our own tradition, not Korean). 


Monday, March 4, 2013

I'd rather...

One of my favorite TV shows to watch (when I have time) is Psych.  On the show, Carlton Lassiter, a police officer, will occasionally say gems like, "I'd rather shower with a bear,"  "I'd rather learn to play the harp," or "I'd rather spend the rest of my life at the Lilith Fair."  While I personally may or may not share Lassiter's opinions (as they reflect things that he would normally despise doing to emphasize his distate for a suggestion) his quotes have inspired me to create my own:

I'd rather...
  1. major in chemistry (while I appreciate those who study chemistry--as it means that I don't have to--this is a class that I successfully avoided taking in both high school and college. and will continue to avoid.)
  2. sweep up maggots that are all across the kitchen floor (true story, actually. not only are maggots disgusting, but they don't easily sweep up. they are semi sticky and kind of roll into balls once you start sweeping, so you have to sweep them one by one. which can easily take several hours)
  3. go clothes shopping (my sister once said, "don't take Rebekah shopping unless you really, really, desperately need her in a bad mood.")
  4. abstain from eating chocolate for the rest of my life (no explanation necessary)
  5. go on a road trip when I'm not the driver (this means I have no control over my return time, as I'm subject to the driver and other passenger's opinions and decisions. I tend to be non-confrontational, especially in close quarters like a road trip, and so I end doing what everyone else wants to. also, I get car sick)
  6. read/ watch a tragedy where everyone DIES (I'm a happy-ending kind of gal. I figure I involuntarily see enough sadness in the world, why seek it out in movies or books? but that's just me)
  7. shower with a spider (seriously, though, isn't this the worst? you see a spider anywhere in the shower and you instantly are trying to figure out if you should continue showering and hope it doesn't bug you, or if you should hop out, grab some toilet paper, and dispose of it. assuming, that is, that the spider is small)

We'll stop with lucky number seven. I'm sure there's more. Hopefully this post has inspired you to think of your own "I'd rathers."

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