Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite stories. I own the book, and I love watching retellings of the story, such as:
I may have also seen the 1980 BBC version, but I can't remember. This week, I watched yet another adaptation known as "
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries" on Youtube. This series was published on a weekly basis from 2012-2013. There are 100 episodes (not including episodes with side characters) that are each 3-7 minutes long. So it ends up being the length of a BBC series, and a pretty thorough retelling of the story.

Of all the retellings of Pride and Prejudice, this one made me see things in a clearer light. Because this is set in modern day, there were certain things Lizzie did that made me question how prejudiced I may inadvertently act. Her prejudice almost got overbearing at times, but luckily other characters helped me through those parts. I loved the adaptations they made for her to be more relatable and realistic. I also liked the theme of well-intentioned advice. From Darcy to Bingly, Lizzie to Lydia, or Darcy to Georgiana, although the advice was well-meaning, a lot of times it ended up hurting the recipient more than helping. (It could also be the way in which they gave their advice.) Anyway, the series left me with a lot to analyze about my own personal interactions. I would definitely recommend it. Rating disclaimer for my mother: There is language and innuendo, mostly referring to events off screen.