I've seen two new Christmas movies this month: Rise of the Guardians and Arthur Christmas. (Yes, I realize I'm a year behind for the latter.) Of the two, I'd have to say I liked Rise of the Guardians best. I could just relate more to Jack better than I could relate to any of the characters in Arthur. Speaking of, have you ever noticed that Jack is usually the name of a mischievous character who usually only looks out for themselves? There's Jack Sparrow from Pirates, Jack the Giant Killer, Jack-O-Lanterns, etc.
Oh, and the best part of Rise of the Guardians? The bunny (He's so cute and fluffy I think I'm gonna die!!!):

Anyway, in the spirit of the season I thought I'd include my Christmas movie 'must sees':
- While You Were Sleeping
- Elf
- Home Alone 1
- Prep and Landing
I could go on, and I'm sure many would argue that other movies should be on the list, but I never claimed it was the ultimate list. Besides, this way you might actually be able to see all of them before Christmas.